Thursday, 1 March 2012

New Ergo Phizmiz electronic album - "Music For Your Party" - Free download

We present for your delectation a new mini-album, 27 minutes of rhythmic electronic sample music and sound-collage by Ergo Phizmiz.

It is intended, as the title implies, for parties and right royal knees-ups, but can be listened to at your discretion (or indiscretion) in any chosen environment or context.

* (Any of the rare breed of Ergothusiasts may be interested to know this is the first of Ergo's works produced entirely using the taking, juxtaposition and processing of samples in a timeline since 2007, back in the heady days of Phuj Phactory & 1000 Year Mix. Goodness gracious. It must be something they put in the water....)

NOW - put on your dancing shoes, buy a few bottles, and have a party.

Created Bridport, March 2012, at the kitchen table.

Cover photograph by Martha Moopette, of Ergo Phizmiz, in the aftermath of a party appropriate to listening to this album, dressing up as a chauffeur in Zombina's house. And why not, eh?

Sampled on this album are: Art Shaw, Augustus Pablo, Die Todliche Doris, Anton Webern, Pete Um, Delia Derbyshire, Bohislav Martinu, Der Plan, Anthology of Dutch Electronic Music, Kosmos, Klaus Nomi, Puaj-Ahem's Glitchy Bitchy, Kraftwerk, Erik Satie, Moondog, Arnold Schoenberg, The Cheeky Girls, Claudio Monteverdi, Daphne Oram, Sounds to Come, Little Richard, various bits and pieces from Youtube....amen....

This album is dedicated to the simply gorgeous Elvis Herod, may he rot like an abandoned vegetable languishing in the early morning of yesterday's market....